So, the 2023 season is almost at an end! And I know I said the same during last year's message, but what a year it has been!
On Friday, 8th December, the team from RT Group HQ got together to reflect and celebrate a year that not only saw us visit a record-breaking 76 countries across the globe, with 4,440 days on locations but also saw some fantastic members join the team. We have rebranded to RT Group, grown our Retained Safety Offering, and been involved with lots of award-winning productions. A year we can indeed be proud of. We worked with many returning Broadcasters and Production Companies and continued to see our portfolio of customers grow.
For me, what can I say? The support of the team, the launch of our Company Values and the ideas...they keep coming. 2024 looks set to be equally as exciting as we continue on our Digital Transformation and look to improve our client knowledge through the launch in Q1 of our very own CRM system. And we will continue to welcome our Contractor/Production Partners through continued learning days. Being part of the RT Group team has never looked so exciting.
As a company, we know how vital the Environmental Crisis is. That's why I am pleased to announce that we have recently completed our Ecology report, and during 2024, we will be launching our Carbon Offsetting initiative based on not only matching our carbon footprint but giving more back to nature. We will be inviting our Clients to do the same too.
The team will be here until 12 noon on Friday, 22nd December, so please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are preparing for the start of returning and new productions early in the New Year. We will then take a much-earned extended break to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with our friends, family and loved ones.
If you need to escalate anything over the Christmas break, please reach out to our Exec Team, and we will be in touch before we all return on Wednesday, 3rd January 2024!
From myself and all of us here at RT Group, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
All the best, Tim ...
21 December, 2023